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Look Out for Common Smoking Triggers

Identifying Your Smoking Triggers

Most smokers will encounter cravings during their quit journey. While there are ways of minimising your cravings, it might not be realistic to think you can eliminate or avoid them altogether.

In those challenging times when you’re hit with a craving, take heart in the fact that they will pass. In fact, cravings should start to get less intense and less frequent after the first few weeks of quitting.

Common Smoking Triggers

The triggers that lead to these cravings can vary from smoker to smoker.

Many smokers say that the most common smoking triggers are situations in which they used to smoke.

This could be anything from smoking with a glass of wine or cup of coffee, to smoking in moments of stress or anxiety.

Why do I crave a cigarette in situations when I used to smoke?

Over time, your body starts to associate these activities with smoking – so when you quit, these situations will trigger a craving for tobacco, based on the memory of the two ‘going together’.

You’ll probably find it quite easy to identify a few smoking triggers that may be a risk. Just think:

In what situations do I nearly always have a cigarette? Is it after a meal? With a cup of tea or coffee? With alcohol? When I get stressed? In the car on my way to work?

By making a note of these moments, you can put them in your quit smoking plan so you’ll be ready for them.

Go to My Quit Guide to start building your quit smoking plan

Be Prepared

Knowing what to expect from your quit smoking journey will help you prepare yourself for your quit attempt.
Read more about what to expect from your quit journey >

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