Stories & experiences


Staying quit

Posted in Staying quit 08 Nov 2017

Oh wow on the 18th of this month I will be 18 months smoke free oh how my life has changed so free I feel so free . To all those newbies out there I say just keep trying if you fall get back up and try again walking instead of smoking that's how I did it good luck 1 and all

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  • Mary60 , Western NSW November 08, 2017 | 10:42
    Congratulations on your milestone you inspire me that I can quite 34 days free
  • jenno211058 November 08, 2017 | 17:40
    Sandydee, Congrats on your 18 months, great outcome.
    Mary60. Congrats on your 34 days, if you want it bad will happen.
  • Indigo8 November 09, 2017 | 7:09
    Hi Sandydee, congratulations that is an amazing achievement, you must be so proud of yourself. I am today 60 days smokefree and cannot wait to be where you are. I am inspired by you!
  • Lia November 10, 2017 | 22:25
    Hi Sandydee. Congrats. Honestly, if you got through those first few minutes, hours and days which would have tested you to the max, you can now enjoy counting the days. And as you do, I doubt if you will ever take a back step as you remember the first few milestones... Only way to go. That is forward. Let's face it. None of us can afford to support this demonic habit. Enjoy the overs tray and occasionally buy those designer shoes or whatever. You would have put those $s in the ash tray anyhow..

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