Stories & experiences

Mrs mac
Northern NSW

One year anniversary

Posted in Staying quit 04 Apr 2019

Stay appreciative of the effort Made to quite......I feel so much better about myself as a non-smoker. No more shame, inconvenience, cough, horrible smell, expense, anxiety about when I’ll be able to have the next cigarette, freedom from the slavery. I have thought, many many times, about how I’d like to have a cigarette, but then I say to myself -“no, you really don’t want to do that,because it will start all over again, and then you’ll have to go through the reL torment of those first two to three weeks of quitting. I never want to go through that again.”

Just so you know, I started smoking when I was 14 years old, and quite cold turkey at age 67 years. I was quite a heavy smoker. If I can do this, any one can.

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  • Robn April 04, 2019 | 16:53
    Well done Mrs Mac.....what a fantastic journey. You have not only given up a really disgusting have earnt respect from everyone who knows and loves you. They all know what an achievement this is and how it has changed your life. I hope you are super proud of yourself and that you spoil yourself with the money you have saved. I am just under 11 months after a 48 year habit.....I never thought I could do it...but life is so much sweeter without that little tube of tobacco pulling me down...I will never smoke again.....
  • Mrs mac , Northern NSW April 04, 2019 | 18:58
    Thanks so much robin....,and many congratulati9ns to you, too, what a star! I never thought I could do it, either. So I get that feeling. I hope you mphavefriends and family who are proud of you. And proud of yourself......well done to both of us!
  • Leeann , Central Coast April 04, 2019 | 21:41
    Well done Mrs Mac, you have every right to feel proud!!! Far out that is a totally awesome and inspiring story, thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your success and it is lovely to be free. I'm at around 9 and a half months now and I do think back to my earlier days in the quit. I struggled really bad for about 3 months and I never want to be back there again. These days I rarely think of it, I still do get the odd pang out of the blue here and there, but I just dismiss it and in no time I've forgotten about it. I can honestly say life is so much better without that addiction driving and controlling us and to be rid of the shame is priceless😊
  • Happiness April 05, 2019 | 1:48
    Congratulations on a very significant milestone. Those who make the journey this far are much more likely to remain quit and I am looking forward to that date with confidence. Keep up the positive thinking and good work. Freedom is priceless.
  • ma broon June 18, 2019 | 23:10
    Well done mrs mac. You are a huge inspiration to me. I started smoking at 14 and I quit 89 days ago. I am 65. My family are so proud of me I have to keep going.
  • Mrs mac , Northern NSW June 19, 2019 | 7:14
    Hi ma broom.....yes, keep going. Sometimes it’s hard and I wish I could just have that lovely relax feeling back, while sitting with coffee and cigarette. But then I remember that I don’t smoke, and will not smoke again because it wasn’t really “lovely and relaxed”. It was always a bit desperate, because I was constantly worried tha I might have to go for hours without another cigarette, or when can I have another one.....such a lot to worry about and you are a smoker! Just knowing that I never have to worry about it again is motivation enough for me to stay quit! We can all do this.

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