Stories & experiences


just one cigarette

Posted in Hints and tips 17 Jun 2020

"I'm gonna smoke just one cigarette to beat the cravings and no more". If you do this, you're gonna want another cigarette 10 minutes after the first one. Don't do it, it's ridiculous and pointless.

EDIT: I didn't do it, this was my coping mechanism

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  • Happiness June 17, 2020 | 8:31
    That is exactly why we endorse NOPE...not one puff ever! Smoking just one can set you back to day one of a cold turkey quit and sabotage your other quit methods. Understanding you and nicotine is the best recourse.
  • Safe2017 June 18, 2020 | 2:35
    Been there, done that. After just one cig I was hooked for the next 10 years. Learned my lesson the hard way. NOPE from now on - not one puff ever.
  • Gemma23 June 19, 2020 | 9:53
    Yes I have also learned my lesson with this aswell
    Thinking I can smoke 1 and control it
    O no big mistake I was right back to square 1 and was so disappointed with myself that I let it beat me again.
    Being on this website has been a great help lots of people to talk to name stories to keep the motivation.

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