Stories & experiences


The addiction is so strong

Posted in Reasons to quit 25 Jan 2021

I think that if i can beat the addiction that cigarettes hold over me, then it would really be a turning point in my life. I want to see my kids grow up and the more they tell me not to smoke, the more motivated it makes me. I need to get past the first week smoke-free, fingers crossed I find a way how.

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  • Happiness January 25, 2021 | 10:57
    You can do it! Read our stories and comments to find tips and motivation to free yourself. Understanding yourself and nicotine is a great start.
  • csnicholson94 , Murrumbidgee January 25, 2021 | 16:37
    Thanks Happiness means alot knowing there are other people struggling with the same thing
  • Grumpy , Western Sydney January 25, 2021 | 21:09
    I am so with you here!! im only on day 9 and am struggling a little bit - but its good to read all these success stories!! Lets do it together!!!!!!!!!
  • Iwant2 January 27, 2021 | 1:52
    The way I Quit cold turkey is by finding out a close friend and co worker had a heart attack and didn’t show up for work. He was younger and in better physical shape than me.

    I quit on the spot, it was a wake up call and it’s been 70 days since

    He’s out of the hospital., back at work, and still smokes

    It’s an easy choice if you love life

    You can do it

  • csnicholson94 , Murrumbidgee January 27, 2021 | 10:23
    Thanks guys
    This actually really helps a lot, I'm only 3 days in and its really hard but at least I have a space to be honest and share my feelings.
    I just need to remember why I'm doing this!
  • MandyM January 27, 2021 | 21:28
    Day 3 here too! It’s tough but I am also determined to do this for the kids sake!
  • PuffNoMore , Southern NSW January 28, 2021 | 8:04
    Just a Quick shout-out to csnicholson94, from the Murrumbidgee! Sending you positive vibes for getting through week 1.
    Staying completely smoke free one day at a time is the way to do it.

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