Stories & experiences

Southern NSW

belly boulge

Posted in Staying quit 26 Jan 2022

Hi gang,

Im over the moon with pride, money, self-confidence and never ever worrying of when I can get to the shop to buy smokes anymore! It is truly liberating after being hooked on those STUPID thing;;s for too many years.

Its almost 2 years since I lit one! At $27.50 every day, give or take $10 from where i bought them from or whom i smoked that stuff with?

I have surpassed the $19,000.00 Yippee! yay.

The problem I have now is the spare tyre I'm carrying around my waist. My doctor has not used the word obese yet, but, she reckons Im in a dangerous category range for a heart attack if I continue this serious waist-line FAT.

Im asking you guy's for some real-time tips before My arteries do clog-up.


We have NOPE...we have FEAR... that is covered. I just need HELP

i puffnomore

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  • Happiness January 26, 2022 | 7:57
    Hi PuffNoMore. It is so good to see you again. I missed you especially as I did miss so many others as well. You know that I managed to lose 40 lbs. a year now, 30 in the year after my stroke, and then a few more since. The problem was that I was too over zealous and my body thought I was starving it last January of 2021 and exercising too much gave such a calorie deficit my body rebelled. I spent most of last year, eating a little more each week until I was somewhat normal. Why diet if I can't lose it as fast as I once was?

    Don't look at it as a diet but a change of eating habits. Again habits......and we have to eat, it is not an addiction but a necessity. Once losing the weight, most people creep back into old habits, as I did this holiday season and have to buckle down again. That is why it has to be a lifestyle change.

    I joined FatSecret and learned about calories I still ate well, but nutritiously and I wasn't hungry because I ate food that took time to digest. I can give you lots of tips you or anyone who wants to e-mail me. shajou99 at doesn't have to be hard or feel like you are starving. If you really want something allow it within the calories allotted. Figure out with this app what your body requires and eat less by 200 calories to start, learn where all the unnecessary calories mount up.....margarine, ketchup, sugar beyong the normal white foods, starches and sugar loaded treats. Throw in a bit of exercise, walking or resistance bands...and you will trim down gradually. This change is sustainable and keeps the weight off!
  • Happiness January 26, 2022 | 9:07
    You can put that $19,000 to good use PuffNoMore . That's almost $10,OOO a year, and you had credit card debt. Tell me smoking didn't cost us in money and guilt and cause stress. You can lose the weight but more than the immediate weight loss is the good you will feed from a little exercise and eating nutritious food. I eat 3 square a day plus a bedtime snack.

    Breakfast...Oatmeal with a banana, peanut butter and favourtie , but I allow myself 2 eggs, 2 toast and bacon on Saturdays when I cook for hubby. Sundays is usually a grilled cheese and tomato with salad or a few fries, home cut with olive oil and done in the oven.

    Lunch.....Canned Mackerel and Onion (too much Tuna has mercury) a 1/2 cup of 5 bean salad (vinegar and sugar) followed by fruit and half serving of nuts.

    Dinner.....anything in MODERATION....Meat, potato, veg.....even homemade pizza and salad. Homemade means you can control the fats and sugars....

    I make a cereal mix of Cheerios, Chex and Shreddies with Lemon, Worchestshire sauce to nibble on in the evening or 1/2 Cup of cottage cheese with a bit of fruit.

    Half the time I forget to eat lunch on time or eat my snack just because I can.
    I want my my fruit and veggies and the cereals are so fortified with vitamins and minerals . I want my flax for omega 3 , especially if I don't have fish and have something else for lunch. I had also joined a nutrition app so i KNOW I am eating well. Drinking water, watching the fiber intake, reducing salt and cholesterol will also be beneficial to you. I have learned a lot since my stroke, and I feel great!

    Start slow PuffNoMore. It is not a race it is about better choices. The pounds will melt away.
  • Nuts January 26, 2022 | 10:11
    Hey puff. Well done on two years. That's so good. I struggled with weight gain when I quit as well. I was obsessed with chocolate. I ate a whole block every day. It had to stop. I allowed myself some chocolate on Monday and Wednesday only. Not a whole block. I got used to it fairly quickly. That, combined with a lot of fruit and veggies and it didn't take long to lose weight. Set a goal and stick to it. It will take a bit of time but you can do it. ☺️
  • matik_one January 29, 2022 | 22:30
    Hi there, great achievemant.. I think that now is time for another challange.. get weight loose.. it's another addiction which you need to control.. Arnold Sweiceneger /don't know to write it/ have achieved top in bodybuilding, then he decided to do so in movie business and after that he did it as guvernant of California.. wau, it's like he lived 3 very successfull lives.. the point what I want to say is that now is time for new challange.. you quit smoking to alllow you go further.. it's no final station yet.. Make commitment, plan and go for it.. and you can be twice such proud of yourself in next 1-2 years.. and be ready for next challange.. ;)

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