Stories & experiences

Southern NSW


Posted in Getting started 07 Oct 2022

Hello everyone,

I've saved $185.50 this week. Without sounding like a gloating flaming Gullah, I get to keep $185.50 every week!

That was roughly what I had to fork out to maintain my smoking past-time.


When I learnt that Quitting the habit was easier than spending about $27 every single day. I didnt matter if I was sick or waiting in in a train station. It didnt think it was stupid to drive up to the shops at midnight with the blood in my alcohol-stream way to high or too low. ? Ha, Thats right, pretty stupid!

Anyway. I dont have a Winfield or struck by a fancy for a Benson or Hedges.

Jokes aside.

If you want to quit this silly habit you have to commit to it completely! Dont debate it inside your mind. It can be tricky for a few day's (everyone is different). As you build on completely smoke free day's your self-achievidiness gathers momentum and the Self-Belief keeps you assured to stay on track.

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