Stories & experiences


To be healthy

Posted in Reasons to quit 12 Jan 2023

I did quite a long time ago then when I was attacked I took it back up that was 2019 I didn't have any for 4 years before that, now I want to try quiting again because I have 2 children now and I don't want them to see me go early since they only have a mummy in their lives .... don't get me wrong it is hard I've trying for months but it last for a week fir a month then I'm back again because I get stressed too much I've got myself back to who I used to be and I'm stronger now and I believe I can do it this time around I just have to workout more to keep my mind busy than to just sit and dwell, everyone know once you take it up it's hard to get rid of your habits but changing my habits might be just what the doctor ordered figuratively speaking.

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  • Mick1405 , Nepean Blue Mountains January 14, 2023 | 0:58
    Keep going. It seems like you have a plan. Stick to it and you will get there. I know the feeling of how easy it is to want to have a smoke just because I'm bored or not exercising my brain and it will just wander into that negative frame space of I could really go for a cigarette. I've been close to a month smoke free now and it does get a little less challenging. It's worth the effort and I appreciate all the help I get here from others.
  • PattyR January 25, 2023 | 12:10
    I hope your still hanging in there. I was about a pack a day smoker for 30+ years and I'm in the same struggle... it's day 15 after going cold turkey. I have started working jigsaw puzzles and that really helps to take my mind off the cravings. We can do this!!

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