Stories & experiences


Looking at my reasons

Posted in Reasons to quit 08 Apr 2023

After smoking just one smoke a day for a while I caved in yesterday and bought a packet of tobacco. How disappointed I feel in myself. Take it from me, you can’t smoke any at all ever if you quit just quit and never look back. Quitting completely for a while, I thought I had it in the bag but I didn’t. The addiction to nicotine is sneaky. It will try everything to get you. But it is within our power to say no and NOPE. I know I can do this. I’m picking tomorrow to start. The next time I write here I’ll be free and in a true position to try and help others. I aim to inspire others not be a victim anymore. Good Luck to everyone.

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  • Willand April 10, 2023 | 0:51
    There is nothing more rewarding than using free-will unto oneself, to be absolute in yourself - the free desire of uncorrupted choice to grant to oneself the most strict hardship to overcome anything of even the greatest difficulty. I am an old man who has lived a full life of substance abuse from a very young age, and overcome all by subjecting myself to the most harsh of trials and without any form of help - No doctor-no pretty pill-no service or group therapy - Nothing or nobody but my brilliant self. Everything I overcame, I did so because I believed from the onset that I can be the greatest, most strongest and most resilient of minds, where all before me in life, friends or family have failed or died, I made good. And in my arrogance, to this day I am the greatest person I know. I wish only to convince you how enormously capable and brilliant you are, if you will it.

    Be arrogant to your own mind only - know that you are far more strong than what you think, even at that moment of despair, however much desperation comes about in your day, you continue to exercise free will. Continue in your temporary suffering - your given hardship, or give in to it for a life-long suffering, but what after all makes you great, when succeeding or yielding? Only one of those is great since you had given yourself choices but chose to stay being harsh to oneself - This is the greatest form of character strength, no other aids or people, I promise, are more powerful than this.

    Create every possible scenario, and do not shy away - carry on with your life as you were, stay among those who smoke or otherwise and never lecture those. Remind yourself in every instant that you are best and your hardship that you are giving yourself will win, even yet so difficult to see in the short-time.

    Do not spend income on any aid - why prolong your difficulty by constantly thinking of it?

    If you have X budget from your income which you have always reserved for your drug, as soon as you get your wage spend X on greater things or people you love and never save it - for now, despite these so called experts asking you to fill up a piggy-bank and count your savings for a holiday or a car {this perceived savings of an year+} - this is sh** and only serves to prolong and give rise to the temptation. Be harsh to oneself....but only for a time and I promise you for a second time again you will come from the storm most strongest you have ever thought of yourself and others will begin take notice of it.

    If you have young family, a partner - splash, splash - splash the cash on them if you can. The reward is instant and feeds your arrogance and with that destroys your own self-hardship, which is the goal - make it difficult and then smash difficulty sooner rather than later.

    Always remember that you are best but no person should ever know this...Never pee people off by attacking those for their weakness because you found in yourself strength and determination, for that will make enemies of your once good friends.

    Give hardship to yourself for a time to win quickly or be soft-ass for eternity.

    I wish all good luck.
  • Happiness April 16, 2023 | 0:25
    Believe you can and you will! Think positive. Cravings mean that you are starving the nicodemon and a reminder you have the power to destroy him. Let him kick and scream , you are stronger and can prevail!

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