Stories & experiences

last pack
Illawarra Shoalhaven

go into a deep thought

Posted in Reasons to quit 13 Apr 2023
1 Comment

How many people stop smoking after they get told they are dying of lung cancer when it's too late. I woke up one morning and did it cold turkey. that was almost 5 years ago and I never looked back. Smoking will kill you so think hard and get rid of this horrid habit today. Cut A4 paper into 4 then roll them so it looks like a smoke and pretend your smoking it until your brain gets use to the pretend cigarette and after a week or so, you are on your way to recovery. Every year is a bonus for me as I reached 69 and I am looking forward to reach 70 then 71 and so on. I know there was no way I would've reached my age if I was still smoking. I remember the dry reaching and the terrible coughing I use to experience and I definitely would have had a stroke. Trust me if you give them up today, you will start feeling much better tomorrow. Best way is cold turkey and no vapor inhalers or patches as they do not work at all. So why not roll your pretend cigarette and inhale as much as you want. I promise one day you will be proud of your self. Bless you all

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  • Happiness April 15, 2023 | 6:12
    Hi Last Pack. Great advice and a great idea to overcome the missing daily habit. Nicotine is gone quite quickly from our systems but it is the feeling of missing something, waiting for the kettle to boil, after dinner, as a reward for finishing something.......We used smoking to fill boredom, anxiety, and stress using in celebration, and any other excuse we could find. Once we stop feeding the cycle, it stops. And it costs nothing and comes with great rewards. Surprisingly, once your mind accepts the idea it can even come more easily than you would think.

    Think positive!

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