Stories & experiences


When I Quit Smoking Many Times.

Posted in Getting started 31 Oct 2023

I quit in my dream. I quit for a day. I took a drug and quit for a week. How many times have you quit? How much did you want it and how much did you understand it?

On looking back at those times I did not have a computer and access to a site like this. I thought that taking a drug for a while with willpower would make me a non-smoker. Just pop the pill and put in the time........NOT !!!

I found that those who succeeded quitting smoking permanently had found the desire to. They learned certain things about themselves, smoking, nicotine and about the brain-washing we underwent. Back in the day it was portrayed as glamourous on the big screen. It must be good, everyone was doing it. Everyone was doing it, and everyone was becoming addicted and continuing to do it. When we tried to quit, we couldn't. and to save face, we could at least say we tried and took solace that lots of others failed too. It was HARD to quit, was all we heard. We told ourselves that it was ok.

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  • Happiness October 31, 2023 | 23:47
    Smoking is not o.k. It does absolutely nothing for you but rto relieve the never ending cycle of the addiction itself. We don't enjoy smoking, we just did not enjoy having the cravings, as you are now learning. When i ADJUSTED my way of thinking about cigarettes, I found the process of quitting smoking to be EASY. Yes EASY! Many have found it to be EASIER than they THOUGHT. When you find the DESIRE to quit it does become EASIER. When you take down those mental road blocks, it will become EASIER. We absolutely CAN quit smoking when we BELIEVE. we can.
  • Happiness November 01, 2023 | 0:02
    Don't forget that when those "cravings" come, it is a sign that you are in control. The "nicomonster" is screaming to be fed and you have the power to starve it. It screams and whimpers and subsides and keeps on for a time until dead . You never want to feed it and restore its life, any more than feeding those Gremlins after midnight. Do so at your own risk! Always remember NOPE....Not One Puff Ever!
  • Happiness November 01, 2023 | 0:17
    Read, Learn and plot your course. Seeing is believing and your success may not only change your life but the lives of others around you. My husband and daughter both quit smoking right behind me......and EASILY , I might add. They did not join a site. They saw it done and they believed that they could quit smoking as well. They made that CHOICE on their own. No one can force someone to quit smoking or quilt them into it. I only try to help others with some truths, encouragement and support. Belioeve you can and you will!

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