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Live to Travel
Northern Sydney

How I tackled the 1st year of being smoke free

Posted in Staying quit 27 Dec 2023

Celebrating 1 year of being smoke free today. A week of being ill was the catalyst which started the journey for me. First month there were lot of temptations but I was switching jobs and had very little stress at the time. Parties were the most difficult part where taking that one puff or a cigarette was a temptation, but I was able to control even when drunk, used to tell my quit story to them and be happy in the passive smoke when others were smoking. Didn't travel the first 6 months because that could have been another temptation for me to smoke, now I have traveled twice on holidays and doing all fine on staying quit.

Cheers to staying quit forever!!

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  • Happiness December 27, 2023 | 16:15
    Cheers and Congratulations! Knowing ourselves and our weaknesses mean having the ability to sidestep possible disaster. I also continued to stand around with my smoking buddies because giving up smoking did not mean giving up my life! I also kept cigarettes in a drawer, knowing that it was a CHOICE. There is indeed a difference to me when it comes to not being able to or choosing not to.

    We may quit smoking and we can quit smoking are different. One is a positive thought.
    Stay positive my friend and you will stay smoke free and travel a lot more with the money saved. What a win
  • Live to Travel , Northern Sydney December 27, 2023 | 18:05
    Thank you so much for perspective. This gives me a new outlook towards thinking between: I am missing smoking and it makes me sad (still feel it sometimes) or I feel 100% positive that I have quit. Will try to attribute more and more towards the positive side whenever sad thoughts do come.

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