Stories & experiences


Always be on guard

Posted in Quit experiences 09 Jun 2015

Hi All

So here I am week 9 as of today. I've been so strong and have grown my will power and been able to switch my mind off smokes pretty easy once the though crossed my mind. I would be lying if I said it didn’t cross my mind every day. It’s not cravings just thoughts. I quickly shut these thoughts down and carry on. But for some reason yesterday was very strange. I had smoking on my mind all day, and I mean all day. I could still get my mind off it pretty quickly but the thoughts just kept coming back. But every time I thought about smoking I would also feel hungry. So as you can imagine I ate quite a lot yesterday, enough to feed an army to tell you the truth. It was a strange day, it was the first time in quite a few weeks I actually felt weak. I even got to the point where I was telling myself, one won’t hurt, how nice would it be to just have one. I quickly snapped myself out of this (by eating) anyway I made it through the day and didn’t slip. I’ve worked to hard to go back. I’ve said it a lot on this site for people to learn from there experiences, so what have I learnt from yesterday’s experience. Answer. Don’t ever let my guard down, after a 21 year addition, its surely going to pop its head up here and there and I need to be ready for it. Was a just a really strange day, anyway on to the next. One day at a time

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  • Bronte , Mid North Coast June 09, 2015 | 10:54 had me on the edge of my seat! Well done, another lesson learned. I know the feeling all too well. The last 2 weeks for me have been great - now cruising into week 8 today. I have had those disruptive days too, out of the blue, for seemingly no reason. It's amazing how you find yourself contemplating going back then you have to pull yourself into reality. I recently thought of just buying a packet and keeping them in the cupboard just in case and not telling anyone. I thought I could hide them and just have one when I really wanted one and no-one would have to know. I was plotting a sneaky way around quitting, trying to have my cake and eat it too. I had to tell myself, sorry, but it just doesn't work like that...snap out of it. Yes, always be on guard - I'm giving my corner shop owner a list of my quit reasons which they must give to me if I ever ask them for a packet. Keep up the good work. You've done really well & are now stronger for it. I'm so looking forward to the day when those difficult days will be just a thing of the past.
  • DoneSmoking June 09, 2015 | 11:16
    I know if I ever bought a packet I would smoke the whole thing. This is why yesterday seems so strange to me. You know how much I hate the smokes, but just like that we could so easily jump back on the wagon if we let our guard down. the hypocrisy of it all. I'm proud of us for how far we have come
  • Bronte , Mid North Coast June 09, 2015 | 14:38
    Me too :)

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