Stories & experiences

Hunter New England


Posted in Quit experiences 12 Oct 2015

Hi everyone,

Well 2 years or 730 days smoke free thought I better get on and share my ups and downs and some support hopefully. Well 2 years ago it wasn't easy going,after smoking for 33 years I decided to quit for my kids my health and the money so I seen my doctor and he told me about this site and started me on the patches 21mg/24hr I know I didn't smoke in my sleep but I didn't want any major cravings first thing in the morning. They worked for me until about the fifth night when I started feeling sick and couldn't sleep so I only used them through the day from then on even with the patches there's still a lot of hard work to do like beat the cravings to have a smoke.

I was out of a job at the time and hadn't smoked inside since my daughter was born (14 years) so most of the time I was inside doing house work keeping away from my triggers to smoke, but did have to go out at times so I would try and do what I had to do quickly so I could retreat back to my safe house this ritual lasted close to a week then I was stronger because every day without smoking makes you stronger. I found that weeding the lawn was something I had never done therefore never smoked doing that no triggers so at the end of the first month I had a very clean house a weed free yard and had stopped using the patches, also on here reading and posting regularly.

Not everyone goes through the same withdrawal symptoms but for me after stopping all nicotine intake my withdrawal threw all it had at me for close to 2 months I was nauseous, headaches, coughing all the crap out I wasn't eating properly or sleeping, but every day without a smoke the cravings were getting weaker and I was getting stronger.

After that period of time it was like I was regenerating I could smell and taste so much more I could take a deep breath and not cough the stains on my fingers and lips were gone I could run around with the kids without gasping and coughing just after that short time without smoking, I knew there was nothing to look back for it was all in front of me now a healthier happier life one day at a time without smokes and nicotine.

So to all who are just starting or are on there way believe you can do it look for anyway that might keep you busy and your mind away from the smokes also keep reading and posting because it does help through the bad times and it gets heaps easier and better everyday.

If I did it you can to all the best.

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  • nodrah October 12, 2015 | 18:23
    Well done you are definitely an inspiration to all of us NEW none smokers.
    I am going to use your last line as my new Mantra...If you can do it can I....
    keep it up cheers
  • Fullofhope , South Eastern Sydney October 12, 2015 | 22:14
    Thanks so much for coming back and telling us about your experience. I am with Nodrah in thanking you for writing 'If you cn do it, I can'. I think as time goes on it is good to know that important things take time.

    You are generous to come back and tell us tales from the front line.
  • This time I am going to win , Southern NSW October 13, 2015 | 18:37
    Thank you for sharing your journey. ( Love the corella ).You are an inspiration to a struggling newbie. Will get there.

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