Stories & experiences

Miss lizzy

Staying a non smoker

Posted in Staying quit 26 Jul 2016

So, I'm about 9 and 1/2 weeks cigarette free! And I have had so many cravings pop in to my head, it's been a hard week? I guess there more like cigarette thoughts, like I'd really like a cigarette now? And the other night,the weirdest thing happened?, I had finished dinner and was clearing the table, when I suddenly had this image of me going out the balcony, sitting down and lightning up a cigarette? WTF? I didn't and all I could think was ,it was my mind and body remembering what I used to do, after dinner. So, I find that when I have these thoughts to smoke a cigarette, I have to stop that thought and replace it with a sane one, which is smoking is stupid and it is not my friend, and it adds no positive benefit to my life. So bieng a non smoker is hard, but everyday we get stronger, one day at a time. And thank god I have this site for support, no one understands as much as someone going through the same struggle and journey, so thanks everyone😊

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  • IC July 27, 2016 | 0:47
    yeah I still get that wouldn't a smoke be nice but the reality is it wouldn't and I have come to far to turn back now.

    every time we don't act on those thoughts they lose some power and we get a bit more power for the next time.

    so well done you have come a long way and so have we all but you are doing great and like me its to far to turn back now so we are on a new path now :)

    thanks for the story !! helped me tonight.

  • WhiteWillow July 27, 2016 | 23:26
    You guys are tremendous. It's good to know these feelings are normal (though I think I lost my grip on normal some years past), the pull from the cigs doesn't seem very strong anymore and I think about them less and less but sometimes I get a twinge and for a split second I think I still smoke, then I realise I don't and I feel relieved. I certainly couldn't have got this far without you guys.

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