Stories & experiences



Posted in Quit experiences 17 May 2018

I have been reading my past stories from my 6 months into my No Smoking journey, and

What a journey i have been on.

Trials and tribulations, the highs n lows,

I started my Quit journey 26.09.2015

Reading about my journey, i had tears in my eyes to think this is me, i am reading about me.

I am not the best about putting my thoughts onto print, but i try my utmost to give my support to others on their personal journey, cause i know we all need encouragement and if you have the bulk of people around you who are smokers...its abit hard to express yourself as they are all puffing away,

so this Forum has been the best to express oneself without others been judgmental in the negative way, its always been encouragement.. and this is what keeps us going for the next day and the next...

If any others read my journey... i still have my container of unfinished tabacco, but it is on a cabinet where i can still see it...and not far away is my is my ever growing nest egg @$140.00 weekly...

Its going to be a happy but a sad day when i spend my well earned reward...

Its all about letting go of a "false friend" and having the confidence in yourself to achieve your goal.

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  • Dolly66 May 17, 2018 | 17:30
    Congratulations Jenno what a great achievement:)
    It’s not easy but doable and this site and all the support we get from all you amazing people helps us to go further than we thought possible.
    Thanks for calling in and keeping us positive😀
  • Johnnie , South Eastern Sydney May 17, 2018 | 20:15
    Hi Jenno you doing well friend. However, i would throw the container with tobacco away and spend your nest egg on something nice, you have nothing to prove any longer. I will be 2 yrs on the 18th (tomorrow) and i have managed to update to a newer car with the nest egg i built. Anyway nice to chat with you again and all the best to you and everyone on this site . Cheers.

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