Stories & experiences


Two year anniversary and counting.

Posted in Staying quit 30 Mar 2019

Just passed a two Year anniversary mark. An interesting part to my quitting process is that I had a time bending experience. What I mean is that there is always before and after smoking, but more importantly in the beginning of my quit the time started moving at a different pace. I found out that without smoking my days became longer because time had slowed down. There were no more smoke breaks. My body was waiting for a nicotine fix that never came and it seemed that time stood still while my body was awaiting on the fix. I certainly felt abnormal because I forgot what one should feel without a cig. Fast forward to today and I am happy to say that the time is back to normal and I feel normal without a cig. However, as a reminder I still use my ashtrays for spent sunflower seeds. Good luck to everyone who is just starting out or in the middle of their journey because no matter how hard it seems now it will get better. Just a reminder, just about every former smoker is just one puff away from a full blown addiction. Practice NOPE - not one puff ever. Cheers to all.

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  • Happiness March 30, 2019 | 2:44
    A big Congratulations Safe. I know how hard of time you went through and how time must have seemed to stand still. Still, you persevered and took control of your life and here you are today a happy non-smoker. You are indeed an inspiration and i do hope other will take heed of the NOPE mantra. Here's a toast to better living, sunflower seeds and almonds!
  • Geo March 31, 2019 | 12:58
    Yes isn't it the truth, how to approach what the real normal should be. As a young person, is was a joy to be smoke free. Now as an old addict, ( once an addict always an addict ) it's taking some time to find the old new normal.
  • Red-67 April 01, 2019 | 2:02
    Well, I disagree with the always an addict. I WAS addicted to smoking, but, as a non smoker, I have no need, or want for just one, or just one puff, or the NOPE mantra.. We don't have to STAY quit, we just have to really QUIT :) Over and done :) Just my opinion / experience, and something to think about..
  • Leeann , Central Coast April 01, 2019 | 7:42
    Congratulations Safe, how good it is to be free. I agree with everything you wrote. Anyways 2 years is totally awesome😊
  • Lia April 03, 2019 | 20:41
    Hi Safe2017. A huge sincere congratulations on your 2nd anniversary. Power to you. Your comments are inspirational for others on the path to freedom. I like the reference to the life of an ashtray when it no longer suits the original designed purpose. Maybe we could find out from others what happened to their beloved ashtrays. My Kosta Boda glass ash tray has become a sweets / lollies / chocolates tray...
  • Safe2017 April 04, 2019 | 4:11
    Thank you all for your support. Despite the fact that I am no longer a smoker I look back at the time when I decided to stop and I realize it was the hardest thing for me. Two years later I still think that quitting was the best decision. All the best to you and thank you for your support.

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