Stories & experiences

Soul & Heart

New Day

Posted in Hints and tips 19 May 2020

Today, like every day, is a great day to be free of smoking. So for anyone needing a little extra motivation on this fine day maybe this tip helps. That reason you decided to quit. Take a picture, draw a picture, take a mental picture, or carry something that makes you think of that reason. Whenever you get a craving or feeling overwhelmed by quitting look at that visual reminder of why you quit. Keep looking for as long as you need to until the urge to smoke fades away. Talk out loud to the picture/object if that helps. Let your reasons to quit guide you in tough times.

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  • softly40 , Mid North Coast May 19, 2020 | 9:06
    Great tip Soul and Heart, an added bonus is mentally or physically voicing our Mantra if you have one, mine is NOPE (not one puff ever) this slams it home for me.
  • Happiness May 20, 2020 | 3:04
    There are so many reasons to quit smoking. Reading and learning about nicotine and you is very helpful in this quest of quitting smoking. Coming to terms with why you smoke and have been acting the ostrich are critical in understanding how you are giving up nothing. Realizing that life without cigarettes is much better than the delusion we have helped to create and live by to save face. So clear once you know and think about it. You cannot forget what you know and believe. It stays with you and keeps this journey maintainable.

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