Stories & experiences

Northern NSW

Motivation and Determination

Posted in Hints and tips 02 Oct 2020

Think about your reasons for quitting as this leads to motivation then be determined. My doctor told me motivation is all that is needed to quit, i agree if the reason is big enough (throat cancer ect..) yes for sure that would motivate just about everyone. My reason was imagining i was on my death bed at a young age knowing it was my fault i have shortened my life and now its over. This was a strong motivation that is still with me but i was still struggling to quit. Whilst i kept trying again and again my determination increased, by this i mean my many decisions to quit became a lot firmer with each quit attempt. Having a reasonable motivation combined with a developing determination led to having a reason, making a firm decision and most importantly not changing that decision. This was the backbone of my success. How i dealt with withdrawals and cravings is in my other posts. Each attempt gives you something that can be used in the next attempt, the ads on tv which state "never give up on giving up" can only lead to success, don't be discouraged. Discover your motivation and let your determination grow until you succeed.

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  • Happiness October 02, 2020 | 23:45
    WANTING TO QUIT smoking is great motivation, while wishing you could does not hold the same weight. Wanting to and BELIEF in yourself are crucial. Wishing is like a pipe dream of something unattainable but nice to think about. Stop dreaming and wishing and find that belief in yourself. You CAN quit smoking! We did and you can too. Find that motivation first and be determined to succeed. Quitting smoking can even be easy once your mind is made up. Make it a goal, not just a dream.

    Thanks for writing again and helping to motivate others. That's what makes this site work.
  • jessfreeof , Northern NSW October 03, 2020 | 8:27
    hi TWS I just went back and read all of your stories I can relate to so much of what you have said. Your stories are very informative I got so much out of them. Your journey on becoming a non smoker is filled with so much wisdom thank you for taking the time to put it into words so new folks like myself can follow paths that have been proven to work. I imagine you must feel so much freedom. Have a magical day 😊
  • softly40 , Mid North Coast October 03, 2020 | 8:47
    Thanks for posting TWS, the thing to remember is really as happiness has stated. You need to want to quit first, you also need to have the idea firmly planted in your mind, this can be an enjoyable experience or a difficult one, our minds can play tricks and yet our minds are the most powerful motivation you can get. We can enjoy the benefits in a material sense, and we can enjoy our own way of dealing with the process. I am for enjoyment in both rhelms, and it is amazing how your motivation changes as you progress. Go with it!

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