Stories & experiences


1500 days and counting

Posted in Staying quit 07 May 2021

Today is 1500 days nicotine/smoke free for me. Needless to say that I am happy and proud of myself. To all who are just starting out to fight for your freedom. It hurts only in the beginning but you'll be free, no cravings before you know it. It seems that in the beginning time slows to a crawl but as the cravings diminish it gets better and better. Practice NOPE (not one puff ever) and you'll succeed. Good luck everyone. This is the best site and the only site where everyone is so supportive. Cheers

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  • Happiness May 07, 2021 | 3:01
    Wow! I am so happy for you Safe.
    I am at 910 and hope that I will never catch you. You had better live to be 120! I will be looking forward to you post of 10 thousand days and I will have shortened the
    I had stopped counting the days long ago. I no longer had to push myself forward to achieve another smoke free day, but to enjoy the fact that I was free. I love the money saved, the better health and the self pride of achieving what we once though was impossible. What could picking up smoking again ever offer me?
    NOPE....Not One Puff Ever is a great mantra and easy to remember. Thank you for driving that home. Matrix came up with one for FEAR which I certainly think makes even the thought of quitting smoking makes some shake.
    If we remember that fear is our worst enemy and immobilizes us into futher action, we need to also remember this mantra when FEAR stands in our way.
    Forget Excuses......Accept Reality

    We see people continue to smoke because they make excuses
    We see people fail because they are succeeding and then FEAR that success.
    Accept Reality.
    Smoking never did anything for us. Life is great after quitting.

    Are you still eating those sunflower seeds Safe? I hear that they are great nutritionally and do keep your hands busy. My ashtrays make great speaker bases.
    Change the way you see things, Change our minds and we can change our lives.
    Cheers to many more successful, happy and healthy years Safe!

  • softly40 , Mid North Coast May 07, 2021 | 8:09
    Congratulations on 1,500 days smoke free Safe. You are an inspiration to us all.
    NOPE (not one puff ever)
  • Robn May 07, 2021 | 11:34
    Hey Safe, well done to you......marvellous feeling isn’t more shame,embarrassment, financial stress. The list goes on.
    You are a is so easy really when we believe in ourselves. Happy days
  • matik_one May 07, 2021 | 20:28
    What I can say here, just I'm happy to see you here even after 1500days, what is incredible achievement.. keep going enjoying your life.. :)
  • Safe2017 May 12, 2021 | 4:29
    Thank you all.
    Happiness - I still count the days but not as often. I got to a point that my smoking days are no longer vivid. In other words, I remember that I had difficulties quitting but why and how is hazy now. My ashtray grew legs and walked away. I cant find it. No need to sunflower seeds and chewing gum any longer. However, just the other day one of my acquaintance tried to get me to take a puff. No thank you was my answer - no FEAR.
    Softly 40 - Nope is still my mantra as it is yours. Great job.
    Robn - you are an inspiration to us all former smokers/addicts.
    Matik-one - you will be at 1500 days too. Practice NOPE and don't look back.

    Thank you all

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