Stories & experiences

Northern NSW

The satisfaction tap

Posted in Hints and tips 29 May 2021

I imagined there was a tap in my brain and each time I take a puff, this tap turns on to release some satisfaction fluid. This happens approximately 10-15 puffs per cigarette 20 times a day. When I stopped puffing, after a while my brain realized "hang on, no satisfaction fluid is being released" this is not normal. I noticed this as my nervous system was out of whack, kind of a distortion with my nerves through out my whole body. Instead of getting things back to normal (having a smoke) I decided to sit with these awkward and rather uncomfortable sensations and told myself "this is the new normal until my brain and body gets used to no more satisfaction fluid". I gave an estimate of 18 months then I expected a proper more balanced "NORMAL". I smoked my whole adult life so once I stopped, my brain couldn't get back to normal coz normal was smoking. Instead my brain developed a new "NORMAL". It's been 3 years and yes I feel incredible and it just gets better and better with time. My main point is "Don't be fooled by the prehistoric part of your brain which lets you know that this is not normal by disrupting your nervous system". Instead let the advanced part of your brain over-ride by knowing that in time a new "NORMAL" is imminent.

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  • Happiness May 30, 2021 | 0:18
    Any changes in our life feel foreign to us at first. Simple things , even moving the trash can takes some getting used to initially. Quitting a habit that we did for years will take time too. How much time depends on the person. If you welcome the change it will get easier more quickly rather than one who fights the change.
    Things are always more acceptable and welcomed when we can see the positives. While there are positives while we can also have cravings, many people focus on the "cravings" alone. Should they just remember than they will pass and that they are going through an adjustment to a better life and be happy and proud of that, they would indeed feel better about the whole process.

    I welcomed the change and had no cravings after the 3 days where nicotine was being banished. Even those 3 days were not as bad as I had expected. I simply refused to feed the cravings because I was winning. I didn't debate it, just found something else to do. Time goes fast when you are not watching the clock......

    We can all quit smoking, even easily when we desire the change. It can quickly become the new norm.
  • TWS , Northern NSW May 30, 2021 | 1:38
    Most people have to deal with withdrawals and cravings that last longer then 3 days. People come to this website for genuine stories of experience. I write so as to help those who resonate with my way of writing. I take this seriously as giving quitters the wrong expectation could delay their progress. Quitting smoking is taking on an addiction and changing a habit, neither can be done in 3 days, People need successful methods that actually work.
  • softly40 , Mid North Coast May 30, 2021 | 8:44
    Thankyou for a great post TWS, thinking of a visual tap, is a new thought for me, I could use this on many things in my life.

    As you have discovered the mental part of our brains needs additional help, or additional input, everyone is different regarding their quit, and most definitely one size does not fit all.

    I chose NOPE (not one puff ever) which were words in my mind, because I couldn't understand why I kept falling down and getting up again.

    I also chose to find out more about the nature of Nicotine and the addictive hold that it had on me. This allowed me the space to learn and to grow to be a much happier person in my life than before, I still use NOPE (not ne puff ever) written or spoken every day. Thanks again for your great idea.
  • Jessfreeof , Northern NSW May 30, 2021 | 22:32
    Awesome post very helpful.
  • Happiness June 01, 2021 | 5:22
    People know they want to quit, they must quit or even have to quit, but there only needs to be some kind of resentment or sense of losing a friend to impede their progress. I simply try to aid others in quitting smoking as painlessly and quickly as possible. When we are assured that we are losing nothing and even gaining far more than we believed possible, can we accept the new normal and make it permanent without even having to think about it. We are all different and think differently, some of course need more time than others to accept this. (even if subconsciously)
  • TWS , Northern NSW June 01, 2021 | 6:38
    Yes i agree that all people are different and the more variety of information given by people who have had success can be very helpful to many more quitters. Quitting cigarettes is a different experience for everyone so different stories help different people. Each experience has merit and can potentially be helpful. Quitting has no physical pain and yes we can choose to be positive with our quit. I chose to acknowledge the way my body reacted and i also chose to welcome the sensations. This was a great long-term solution for me and I've enjoyed passing it on to those that may benefit.

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