Stories & experiences

The riddler
Northern Sydney

Dont give in

Posted in Staying quit 25 Dec 2022

I stopped smoking successfully on the 8/6/01 (almost 22 years ago)i was smoking 100 bungers a day!!I used nicorette gum to quit . And I kept postponing that first deadly ciggie. What helped me in the first few days of being smoke free was to walk outdoors and spend time in smoke free zones.I also banned anyone visiting my place from smoking including the balcony because if I didn't ban smoking from the balcony the smoke would just drift indoors. The cravings gradually faded away and now I hate smoking ,in fact i couldn't think of anything worse! If I can stop smoking anyone can

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  • Cuba December 30, 2022 | 22:01
    Hi congrats on your successful quit.
    I’m still struggling with strong cravings especially when I stop using my nicotine lozenges. I’ve caved into smoking again many many times and I can’t seem to help it. Though I know I could stay stopped if I really really try. It’s my New Years resolution and coming birthday resolution too to stay quit.
    I have had a major heart operation and I want to quit for good for this reason to keep healthy and keep my heart in as good a shape as possible plus my lungs and everything.
    In the past I’ve made excuses to smoke for myself none of which have any real meaning or truth to them. I’ve even told myself that I can’t do it!
    But I can, just like you have
  • Happiness January 03, 2023 | 9:43
    It is nice of you to share your story and encouragement. While trying to quit, we learn about ourselves and what our triggers are. We know ourselves best and must devise a course that we believe will work. Believe you can and you will!

    I gave up smoking, not my life. I still went off on breaks with my smoking friends. I have since expanded my friendship circle and no longer have to stand in a blizzard to get my fix. (or to visit friends). Life is great as a non-smoker. The fact is that we fear giving up smoking, we should not have to fear changing things that we love to do.

    See quitting smoking as a "Choice" not a "have to do". Look forward to the change, as there is certainly nothing to fear and actually many unanticipated rewards. Always think positive!

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