Stories & experiences


The need to vent online...

Posted in Quit experiences 31 May 2016

After 367 days of visiting this site there comes a time when one must ask why? I actually have a fair idea. Many layers. It's because of this incredible support one gets. I just hope newbies respect the support their stories receive. I know you will if that is the category in which you fall. You thought you had family support. Well, if quitting smoking is your aim, this site is the best because of the subscriber who often understand better than actual family. If you succeed, great. If you need to try again, do come back and hopefully you will hook up with some like minded souls who will take you to good places on this journey.

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  • Flora May 31, 2016 | 23:12
    Well said Lia, I totally agree. Happy to help anyone who asks or just wants an ear, well eyes lol
  • WhiteWillow May 31, 2016 | 23:18
    Yep, nicely put, Lia. Without this site I would probably have caved on the first day but every time I felt the pangs I checked out the site and sat and read people comments until the pangs receded and I felt safe again. Can't tell you how much you have all helped me, every morning instead of a coffee and a smoke I had a coffee and my phone and read all the latest comments. Thank you so much.
  • Siobhain-Marie June 01, 2016 | 1:12
    Well said Lia :) I hope you will remain on the site long after your quitting :) One year, ten years lol I hope so, as you are an inspiration :) Totally agree with everything WhiteWillow is saying I'm exactly the same as you only mines is tea :D
  • Eileenspedd June 01, 2016 | 5:59
    Look forward to sharing and learning
  • IC June 01, 2016 | 17:22
    yep takes one to know one, birds of a feather , you know all those clichés :) but they are true only a smoker can understand what its like others can empathise, but never understand the feelings we have to go through to get to quit point.

    so yes I totally agree and I am here reading away shaking my head thinking yep understand that or felt that or been there.

  • Dobbin June 01, 2016 | 18:22
    Hey Lia. Great you have reached your first year and you have given a lot of encouragement to others including myself ( 267 days ). I am chasing my first year a day at a time and thanks again
  • Larney11 , Northern NSW June 02, 2016 | 2:54
    Good Words. This site has made me feel so supported on my journey.. I probably wouls have slipped if it wasn't for coming back here everyday. 😘
  • Iwillbeatit , Western NSW June 02, 2016 | 21:24
    Well put Lia. I was like a sponge at the beginning of this journey reading everyone's experiences and advice and it really does help to do this. Thank you for posting and always inspiring
  • Feather (aka Oompa Loompa) June 12, 2016 | 8:42
    Congratulations Lia. You really are an inspiration. I'm still coming back to the site occasionally as I love to hear how everyone is doing. I'm hanging out for a year, only 10 days to go 😄

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