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Smoking While Pregnant

Quitting smoking during pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy can be harmful to both the child and parent, resulting in poor health and development outcomes for the baby and health risks to the mother.

What should I do if I’m pregnant but still smoking?

Parents want to protect their baby. If you are pregnant and smoking, the best thing for you and your baby's health is to try your best to quit.

If you are an expectant mother or parent, and worried about how you will deal with issues like stress, boredom, or the thought of missing smoking, rest assured this can be managed and there's support to help. See the helpful tools and guidance below to help get started on your quit smoking journey – and stay quit for good.

Get support

Talk to your doctor, midwife or
call the NSW Quitline on 13 7848 (13 QUIT) or request a call-back.


Did you know?

There is no safe level of smoking during pregnancy. Quitting smoking in pregnancy does NOT add stress to your baby, it can only help.

Tools and guidance to help you quit smoking during pregnancy

Talk to someone

Facts about smoking during pregnancy for you and your baby

Find out about the effects of smoking in pregnancy and the harms it can cause for you and your baby.

Learn more


Using incentives to quit smoking

Incentives can be a big help in successfully motivating you to quit and stay on track. We’ve listed a few to get you started.

Learn more

Talk to someone

Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) while pregnant

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s best to try to quit without using NRT, however, NRT is always safer than smoking.

Learn more

Having doubts?

If you’re worried about how you’ll manage common thoughts around quitting smoking, such as using smoking as a way to manage stress or the worry of slipping up when quitting, head over to ‘Having Doubts’ for guidance and tactics.

It’s also helpful to have an open and honest discussion with your doctor, midwife, or health care worker. They can talk you through different quit smoking strategies and advise on how best to deal with your concerns and barriers.

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