Using NRT to manage cravings

If you find it difficult to manage your cravings or quit vaping, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) may be useful.

NRT can be used by people aged 12 and over, but young people should consult a doctor or pharmacist before using NRT.

You can buy NRT from most supermarkets and pharmacies. You don’t need a prescription to buy NRT, but a doctor’s prescription can make the products cheaper.

NRT provides a safe amount of nicotine which reduces cravings and feelings of withdrawal. NRT comes in different forms including patches, mouth spray, gum, lozenges, and an inhalator.

Nicotine patches provide a slow, steady release of nicotine over time. The spray, gum, lozenges and inhalator work quickly, which help you get past short, strong cravings.

You may get the best result by wearing a patch, plus using a fast-acting type of NRT when a craving hits. It’s always best to check with a doctor or pharmacist about the best products for you.

NRT is most effective when you use it with support to change your vaping (or smoking) behaviours. Talk to a health professional or a Quitline counsellor – they can provide tips on managing cravings, and regularly check in to see how you’re going.



Quitline 13 7848

The Quitline team are experts in supporting people to quit smoking and vaping. Call Quitline on 13 7848 to talk to a Counsellor who understands nicotine addiction. Quitline is available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, and 9am to 5pm on Saturdays.

Ask Quitline to call you.

Download an app

There are some apps that can help keep you on track while you’re quitting. View available apps.

Aboriginal health support

Have a yarn to your local health service for quit advice and support. Or call Quitline on 13 7848 and ask to chat to an Aboriginal Counsellor, to help you through quitting.

Talk to your doctor

Your doctor or local health service can provide advice and guidance on ways to quit. They can also talk to you about whether NRT is right for you.