What support is available?

It’s ok to need support to quit vaping. You are more likely to quit successfully if you use support.

Download a quit vaping app

There are apps you can download to help you quit vaping. These apps can help you track your progress, connect with others who are quitting, and cope with cravings.

Apple App Store

Google Play Store

Call Quitline on 13 7848

The Quitline counsellors are experts in helping people quit smoking and vaping.

Quitline can help you plan how you’ll quit, and offer ongoing support and motivation to stay on track.

Call Quitline on 13 7848 to talk to a friendly Counsellor.

Quitline is available 8am-8pm on Monday to Friday, and 9am-5pm on Saturday.

Get Aboriginal health support

Have a chat with your local health service for advice and support, or call the Quitline on 13 7848 and ask to speak with an Aboriginal Counsellor.

They can provide support and help guide you through quitting.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor or local health service for advice, support and guidance.

They can also provide information about nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).